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Paris Air Show from 17th to 23rd June, in Le Bourget, North of Paris.


AK Steel International will participate at the Paris Air Show, which will take place from 17th to 23rd June, in Le Bourget, North of Paris.

We hope to welcome at our booth at the 53rd International
Paris Air Show!

The Paris Air Show continues to be the world’s largest aerospace event, involving 2,400 exhibitors from 50
countries, 350,000 visitors, 300 top level delegations and 3,000 journalists. With 110 years under its belt, it
is also the longest-lasting.

We at AK Steel International as dedicated to your succes and as such, hope to meet you at our booth. The Paris Air show is a venue for significant meetings, a business accelerator, a fabulous marketplace and, so to speak, a vast social network dedicated to aerospace community.

The Show’s organising team are poised to welcome you, and will pull out all the stops to ensure that this
week-long event brings you every success. The Show is decidedly a showcase for the excellence
of aerospace industry and reflects the passion we share with the entire aerospace community.

We are delighted that AK Steel International is included amongst all the principals from every country and a very wellrepresented chain of subcontractors.

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9227 Centre Pointe Drive
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AK Steel International B.V.
Lage Mosten 23
4822 NJ Breda
The Netherlands

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