Announcement of Rebranding
Rebranding under the Cleveland-Cliffs brand
As probably known, AK Steel Corporation, including AK Steel International, has been acquired by Cleveland-Cliffs in the first quarter of 2020.
It has been a year since this acquisition and we now have some interesting news to share. While the name and entities of AK Steel International will continue to exist, moving forward, the AK Steel International identity is being rebranded under the Cleveland-Cliffs brand.
AK Steel International will start sending out our business correspondences with the new identity. All documents will not change immediately, so it can happen that documents with either AK Steel or Cleveland-Cliffs branding are being sent out over a period of time as we complete all these changes.
There will be no changes to the address or contact information at this time.
AK Steel International markets specialty steel products such as ARMCO® Pure Iron, stainless steel, metal products and composite auxiliary materials for the aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors.